Archbishop Pérez’ Invitation to Conversation about the Future of the Church of Philadelphia
Join one of the 3 information sessions to share your thoughts. All feedback will be collected and sent to Archbishop Pérez. All sessions will be held at MMR in Redeemer Hall. Please register for the February 10th and March 31st sessions using the form on this page, or visit the link below to register for the March 1st Session.
On January 5, Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez released a pastoral letter, at the core of which is a call to a pastoral change of heart, a conversion to the lifestyle and mindset of a missionary disciple. The letter also shares with us the Archbishop's vision for the future of the Church of Philadelphia and invitation to all Catholics to be a part of the conversation about what that will look like.
“Your voice and presence are essential as we plan a new way forward together as the Catholic Church of Philadelphia…I invite you to join a conversation about the future path we will forge together for our Church.” Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez
To read the letter, watch the Archbishop’s video and sign up for a consultation session in other parts of the diocese, visit: