Children who are 5 years old through Grade 4 as of September 2025 are invited to join us for Vacation Bible School 2025! And what a theme we have chosen! We will journey with Jesus through the liturgical year.
Camp will take place July 21st to July 25th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily in the parish center.
The cost for the week is $175. Space is limited to 14 children per age group. Your registration will be considered complete when the registration is also paid in full. Payment can be sent to Mrs. Bull's attention in one of three ways.
Drop the cash/check off at the school or parish office drop-box (available 24/7).
Place the cash/check in an envelope addressed to "VBS - Mrs. Bull" and drop it in the Sunday Collection basket.
Pay by online by Credit Cards.
Mrs. Bull will notify you via email confirmation of registration when both registration form and payment are received.
Students in grades 7 - 12 are also encouraged to volunteer for the week. The children love having their camp counselors. This volunteer service will provide 40 service hours. Click HERE to sign-up online.